Monday, July 23, 2007

week two

The week two lecture was quite interesting and attention grabbing. It discussed different spheres of Public Relations and the different theories as well. The lecture explained that no single theory can include all the aspects and functions of a P.R. It discussed various theories such as situational theory, social learning theory, action assembly theory etc. The readings discussed the same spheres as well.

we also got some c.ds. yeah


kristen said...

I think that you captured the main idea of the Week 2 lecture well. I think that you could have explained in a little more detail what was involved in each theory. You could have also made it more clear what was in the readings. However, this is your Week 2 blog and as Melanie instructed us not to be too worried about the content, I understand the lack of detail. I thought the way you approached the blog this week was good in that you gave an overall view and it would be useful to somebody who was either not at the lecture, or somebody wanting to remember what was involved in Week 2 of the course.

Thomas Pryszcz said...

Like Kristen, I think you summarized the main idea in a good way. Otherwise I think you could explain the different theorys with more detail. But this was just the beginnig of the semester, so I think we all had some problems with that. It is not so easy to find the main aspects, but you did it and this is good.